Sunday 18 March 2012

Sacrificing "Freedom" in the name of "Profit"

"Oh great! another moronic bill."

Seriously, these guys need to stop being greedy idiots. They don't know the power of the internet and the rewards that it gives to the people. These companies complains that the piracy spreads because internet, file-sharing sites, unrestricted access or other shenanigans they made up. I don't know if they live in Stone Age or just that stupid

First of all, ACTA and SOPA doesn't stop the piracy. Remember the DRMs guys? The "DRM is made to stop piracy" but it encourages piracy and not only that, but, it punishes the users-- THE LEGAL BUYERS. Second of all, these bills will remove the freedoms and privacy that we have in the name of security. Third, websites accused of copyright infringement will be shut down. Then the last, a lot of people get arrested for some stupid reasons.

"Might be a troll or retard..."

This congressman is a one kind of greedy dumbass. He proposed a bill that will take away our freedom and privacy but then he lost because of our "petition powers". However, the battle is not over. ACTA proposed as an  international bill by the MPAA and corporate lobbyist. Although, it was turned down by the senior officials because from the pressure of the protesters but corporations, MPAA, RIAA and etc. will not stop until they reach their goal.

"Thank you Anonymous for scaring a crap out of them"

Because of these greed pigs proposing nonsense, people retaliate by different methods. Some protests, some riots and for the few, hacking. Defacement and DDoSing of a number of websites are perpetrated by Anonymous. I say, I praise you Anonymous! keep up the good job.

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