I've played the "True Crime: New York" which immerse me into the True Crime series, it makes me wanted to play for another "TC"-- that I was really addicted to it. When the VGA awards 2009 featured the TC:HK on "World Premiere" preview, I was excited to the fullest. So I waited for 2 "freakin" years just to play "True Crime: HK" and now they're saying it's cancelled.
This is the most stupid excuse of Activision ever had!
"The game had been delayed twice; the budget had been increased twice; and it had ballooned to a size where it was going to have to be a pretty incredible success in order to be worth the investment that it was taking to get it done,"and
“The finished product was not going to be at the top of that genre"
WHAT?! are they fucktards? This will be the most successful game if they release it and they would make more money.
But wait there is hope, Square Enix will create the TC:HK but with new name and the release is on 2012.
I rest my case...
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